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Главная » 2014 » Май » 30 » WinMend System Doctor
Скачать WinMend System Doctor

Защитите вашу систему от угроз, программ-шпионов, рекламных ПО, троянов и вирусов. WinMend System Doctor является усовершенствованным центром безопасности Windows.
С его новаторским и интеллектуальным двигателем обнаружения , WinMend System Doctor может эффективно выявлять и устранять уязвимости в безопасности самой системы, ее прикладных программ и предотвратить запуск вредоносных: программ, троянов, вирусов и процессов.
WinMend System Doctor is a Windows-based security improvement. With its innovative and intelligent detection engine, WinMend System Doctor can effectively detect and fix security vulnerabilities in the system, fix software vulnerabilities in third-party applications, and prevent the running of malicious startup programs, Trojans, BHOs, processes and system services to significantly improve system security. It also provides an Expert level system scan option to scan potential security threats in the system, protects the system from the intrusion of spyware, adware, Trojans and viruses, and eliminates system security risks.

1. Intelligent Scan Engine
WinMend System Doctor is integrated with a brand-new scan engine that can intelligently detect system vulnerabilities in Windows, software vulnerabilities in third-party applications and problems corresponding security settings, and it can help users fix problems found. It simplifies user operation, and helps you solve security risks more promptly and efficiently.

2. Unique System Security Rating System
WinMend System Doctor can rate the security of your operating system for you to see the security status of the system more visually.

3. Comprehensive and Detailed Security Report
WinMend System Doctor can generate comprehensive security reports that elaborate all details about each single security vulnerability and potential security threat in your system, so you can understand the security problems in the system and how to fix them with improved clarity.

4. Expert-Level System Scan
An "Expert"-level system scan is offered by WinMend System Doctor. It scans potential security threats in the system, such as in shared resources, user privilege management, remote control, etc., that could be easily used by malicious programs (or hackers), and can guide you through the steps to fix vulnerabilities and eliminate security risks in the system.

Информация о программе:
Год: 2014
Название: WinMend System Doctor
Система: Windows 7, Windows® Vista™ 64-bit and 32-bit, XP and 2000
Язык интерфейса:English / Русский (русификатор)
Лекарство: serial
Размер: 7.83 MB

Скачать WinMend System Doctor

Категория: Софт | Просмотров: 340 | Добавил: Синица | Теги: обслуживание, Заражение, обезвреживание, безопасность, лечение | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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